Ea SPORTS Gameface Browser Plugin is a small application that gives you access to the Game Face creation centre. If you have played any EA Sports games recently, you have probably noticed that some of the faces look incredibly real. Basically, EA Sports gives you the ability to create a virtual version of yourself called a Virtual Pro. You can use your Virtual Pro in many EA Sports games, including FIFA. This browser plug-in lets you create a 3D model of your real face to put it on your Virtual Pro's face. This way, your Pro will look just like you.
The first step in the creation of your Game Face starts with a real photograph of your face. The photo must be of good quality and it has got to have good lighting for it to work with this application. With only a front photo, the application can get a good model done, but for better results, you will want to add a profile photo as well. Once the photos are loaded, the application will ask you to move several draggable crosses to specific points on your face, to help the modelling software interpret your face features. After some generation time, you will have your GameFace ready and you will be able to use it with many FIFA games. You can modify its appearance slightly by changing some face features manually or by adding hair and clothing. There is an online store where you can buy clothing items. If you don't like the way your GameFace looks, your best shot is to start creating it again instead of editing it. It took me a couple of tries to get a good one, but I love mine now.
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